I decided to start with something really simple (I have very little sewing experience) and today made this "tag blankie".
Apparently someone noticed how babies love sucking on the silky tags of blankets and so designed a mini blanket edged with lots and lots of tags for the baby to pull and suck on - hence the tag blankie was born. I used a pattern from Lotta Jansdotter's book "Sewing for Babies" to make mine.
I used some funky graphic heavyweight cotton fabric from Ikea and some brightly coloured ribbons (in gender neutral colours of orange, turquoise and grey) - I don't see why babies have to be surrounded by sappy pastels!
Here are the instructions:
1. Cut out 2 x 33cm squares of your chosen fabric. Be sure to wash, dry and iron your fabric beforehand to prevent shrinkage after you've sewn your blankie.
2. Cut lengths between 14-20cm of ribbons in different colours and widths (I used 5 on each side, 20 in total).
3. Place the 2 fabric squares right side together and sandwich the ribbons, each folded in half, between the two pieces of fabric, lining up the ribbon edges with the edge of the pieces of fabric. Working one side at a time, pin the ribbons and the fabric pieces together.
5. Trim the seam allowance to 6mm (other than the opening) and trim the corners at a 45 degree angle.
6. Turn the blankie the right way around and, using a long pointed tool, like a knitting needle, poke out the corners. Press the blankie with a medium hot iron, fold the fabric at the opening inside and press that too (at this point you can also insert your final ribbon piece).
7. Finally, machine stitch the blankie all the way around including the opening, back-stiching at the start and finish.
Voila! You have a tag blankie!
I love how creative you can get with the different colour and fabric combinations. I may make a few of these as baby gifts for other expecting friends.
What a great idea with those tabs! Should make a bib too :-)