The power of the present moment. And some pretty flowers.
It took me a long time to cotton on to this, but in order to create anything, whether it’s a photographic image, painting or poem, you need to be present in the moment, aware of the world around you. So often our thoughts are consumed by the future (“What shall I cook for dinner this evening?”) or the past (“I wish I has said…”), we forget that the only reality is right here, right now. As I was doing some macro (close-up) photography of the flowers around the apartment today, it occurred to me why flowers and all things botanical are one of the most common themes in art, photography, textile design and poetry. I think it’s because, for a moment, we are so transfixed by their perfect structure, regularity and colour combinations that, just for that moment, we forget about the other worries of the day and are truly in the present. Here are some of the shots I took.

Technical info: Shot with Canon 5D, 100mm 2.8 macro "L" lens at f3.2-f.3.5 (with varying shutter speeds and ISO), about one stop overexposed. Manual focus. Processed in Camera Raw. No changes made in Photoshop.
All images copyright Lia Edwards 2011. Not to be reproduced or used for any purpose without prior written consent.
Lovely post! And I adore the white flower shot! Thank you for sharing the tech info - I have to pick your brain about your 5D ;-)